What's the best present you've ever received?
When I turned 26 (I think?), my BFF,mama bear, made me the sweetest scrap book. She and I have been friends since we were 15, and she made a scrap book of pictures of us from age 15 up until age 26. She even put in our weddings, even though we weren't speaking that year. Sounds like a bad year to not speak, right? Well, it was but we've made peace with it. If I ever get married again, she knows she's the first one I would want in it. HAHA, well, besides a groom, perhaps!! She had high school pictures of us and we look so young, THIN and silly. She also used pictures of us when we were both pregnant with our first boys (she has 3 boys just like me!). I recently found the book when we moved to the townhouse and showed it to her when she came to visit. We had so much fun going through it and laughing all over again. It's the best present because I know she put so much work and thought into it (back before she had 100 munchkins to take care of, she had time to do that) and because it's so much fun to look back through and remember all of our great memories together. I hope when I turn 50, I'll get another one. :)
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